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Windsong Arabians (R)*, Frederick County, Maryland

Riding Lessons

Lessons rain/shine/hot/cold
Brandon & Alec young riders
Young riders Brandon & Alec

Private:  $50/session on your own horse
              $60/session on one of our school horses
Semi-private (2 students,if can be arranged):
               $45 each student
Adult team Competition PVDA

(Call to inquire about openings)   
Monday:  4pm, 5pm, 6pm
Tuesday: 10, 11 am, 12:30 & 1:30pm, 4,5,and 6pm Thursday:   10 &11am, 12:15pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4pm, 5 & 6pm
Every Saturday and every other Sunday: 9:30am, 11am,12:15pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4pm
        Makeup lessons can be on Mondays or 
             or during an opening or  previous cancellation.

(Students are encouraged to keep a journal of their lessons.)

       Students must wear approved helmets and shoes with flat soles & heels.
       Students will have a claims release and student lesson agreement signed. 
       Students will (learn to) groom and tack/untack their own horse.
       Students agree to pay cancellation fees: less than 4 days notice prior to a scheduled lesson, $15;  less than 8 hours notice prior to a scheduled lesson, cost of the lesson.
       (Cancelled lessons made up within one week get a $10 credit on the made-up lesson)

     Sue has been riding since childhood and "training" horses since she was a teenager.   While she now is more focused on dressage,  she  grew  up  riding  western  and  competing  in gymkannas and, at home, against her brother, Dan.  They rode every day (unless one was sick). They did endurance before it was in vogue!!   As  an  adult,  her  daughters  wanted  to  ride "English".   So  lessons  began  and  evolved  into  dressage lessons,  a  new   concept  in  the  States  at  that  time,  but the concept made more sense to Sue.   Now,  after  teaching for over  25 years,  Sue  can  help  the  beginner  rider  gain confidence and agility, the intermediate rider to  understand aids and cues and the advanced rider to put it all together to show and achieve the horse's potential. 

Call 301-831-5083 or email windsong@frederickmd.com for availability or a lesson brochure